Decapsulation testing offers a rigorous look at components – inside and out
1.Reliable, In-House Authenticity Testing
Quality is always a top priority at MISUXIN, but times of shortage and scarcity like we are currently seeing – around the world and across industries – highlight even more intensively how crucial it is. Especially with strained supply chains and widespread scarcity, the risk of encountering inauthentic components within the open market heightens.
This is why it’s vital to work with reliable, qualified sourcing partners. Having, maintaining, and continually investing in in-house quality programs and resources are key indicators that a supplier can be trusted to source, procure, verify, and deliver the electronic components you need.
2.Confirm Indicators of Compliance
Our decapsulation process is a destructive testing option that examines components in accordance with customer-approved sampling plans to confirm compliance with manufacturer specifications. Using decapsulation, we can verify both the die size and manufacturers’ logos on parts.
3.Examine Structures
looks below the surface of components to inspect the architecture of their dies – and confirm that they are consistent with the known structures as built by their manufacturers.
4.Verify Part Numbers
takes a close look at components to confirm that their part numbers are correct and consistent, with no inaccuracies that would flag inauthentic parts.
5.Copper Protection
In addition to verification processes, MISUXIN decapsulation machine also includes copper protection. This added safeguard helps to preserve the copper wires within components during the decapsulation process.
6.A Keen Examination to Confirm Authenticity
MISUXIN decapsulation testing offers an intensive look inside components and at their outer layers, verifying that they adhere to manufacturer specifications at every level and every part of their architecture.
As part of the expansive suite of anticounterfeit testing MISUXIN offers, decapsulation plays a vital role in confirming that parts are authentic, top quality, and ready to put into use immediately to keep your production moving.